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Building an iOS app with Turbolinks-iOS

Over the last couple of months, we’ve been shipping quite some hybrid iOS and Android apps...

Using Mixpanel Custom Queries

This weekend, I implemented a metrics dashboard for our iOS, Android and web app Sporzer. One metric that I needed on this dashboard...

Forcing a Rails database migration

Today I accidentally ran migrations on a production environment that shouldn't run. Luckily, the table wasn't critical, but it did cause a feature of...

Measuring Monthly Active Users

Two weeks ago, we decided that we are going to focus all our efforts for our app Sporzer towards increasing the number of Monthly Active Users (MAUs).


Because S3 is awesome but the policies are awful, we created a small tool for you!

Setting up an S3 bucket for your uploads/assets

In the past few weeks, we at Firmhouse are starting to make all our apps 12factor compliant. One thing that we needed...

Persistent storage for your Rails apps with Dokku and Docker

At Firmhouse, we're building Intercity Next. An open source hosting management panel for Ruby on Rails that hosts apps on servers of your choice.

Simple signup and login in your app (Part 2)

In my previous post, I showed you how to easily create a simple signup for your Rails app, without needing any external gems.

Basic signup in your Rails app with has_secure_password

The past week I've been working on a little web app that lets you post to a Twitter account as a group:

Deploy your code to Dokku with Codeship

Learn how to deploy your code to dokku with codeship.

Run migrations on Dokku/Heroku deployment

We at Firmhouse are currently moving our projects over to a new version of Intercity, which is using Dokku as its backend. Dokku is a "Docker powered...

Schedule recurring jobs with Sidekiq 4

Something I keep getting back to is setting up scheduled recurring jobs with Sidekiq, even though some people say it's not the tool for the job...